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Wednesday 29 May 2024

PCR, Using PCR for the detection of plant viruses

PCR ( Polymerase Chain Reaction)

PCR has become a popular method in plant pathology and other fields after the introduction of Thermus aquaticus (Taq) DNA polymerase in 1988 for the detection of plant viruses. Taq polymerase's stability at DNA-melting temperatures eliminates the need for enzyme replenishment, reducing costs and enabling automated thermal cycling.PCR offers advantages over traditional diagnostic methods:

  • No need to culture organisms before detection.
  • High sensitivity, potentially detecting a single target molecule in a complex mixture without radioactive probes.
  • Rapid and versatile, with narrow or broad selectivities possible depending on primer choice.
  • Lower cost for developing reagents with specificities compared to serology.

Overall, PCR's versatility and cost-effectiveness make it a powerful tool for DNA amplification and pathogen detection

Detection of plant pathogens using real-time PCR: how reliable are late Ct values?

    In this study, researchers evaluated five methods to establish a reliable cycle threshold (Ct) cut-off value for effective pathogen detection using molecular techniques like real-time PCR. Weak signals in real-time PCR, indicated by high Ct values, can raise doubts about the accuracy of the results. Hence, establishing a dependable Ct threshold for declaring positive reactions is crucial for specific detection.

    The study focused on two significant forest pathogens, Hymenoscyphus fraxineus and Fusarium circinatum, and tested three experimental frameworks combining different substrates (seed lots and spore traps) and PCR machines. The five methods assessed were based on probability of detection (POD) or receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) approaches.

    Among these methods, the ROC-based approach emerged as the most comprehensive and adaptable under various experimental conditions. It was demonstrated that this method allows for determining a cut-off value below which late Ct results reliably indicate positive test results. Importantly, this cut-off value needs to be determined for each specific experimental approach.

    Additionally, a method based on the distribution of previously determined Ct values associated with false-positive results showed promise in detecting false negatives, making it valuable for testing potentially invasive pathogens.

    Overall, the study highlights the importance of establishing reliable Ct cut-off values for real-time PCR-based pathogen detection, with the ROC method offering flexibility and completeness across different experimental conditions.


Using PCR for the detection of plant viruses involves several steps. Here's a general overview of the process:

Sample Collection: Collect plant tissue samples suspected of being infected with the virus. Samples can include leaves, stems, roots, or any other symptomatic parts of the plant.

Sample Preparation: Extract nucleic acids (usually RNA or DNA) from the collected plant tissue. This can be done using commercial extraction kits or laboratory protocols optimized for plant virus detection.

Primer Design: Design specific primers that target conserved regions of the viral genome. These primers should be designed to amplify only the target virus and not other related viruses or host DNA.

Reverse Transcription (for RNA viruses): If the virus being detected is an RNA virus, perform reverse transcription (RT) to convert the viral RNA into complementary DNA (cDNA). This step is crucial as PCR typically amplifies DNA, not RNA.

PCR Setup: Set up the PCR reaction by mixing the extracted nucleic acids (or cDNA for RNA viruses) with PCR reagents, including primers, a DNA polymerase (usually a thermostable polymerase such as Taq polymerase), nucleotides, and buffer.

PCR Amplification: Perform PCR amplification using a thermal cycler. The PCR program typically includes cycles of denaturation, annealing, and extension. The number of cycles depends on the sensitivity required for detection.

Detection: Analyze the PCR products using gel electrophoresis or more sensitive techniques such as real-time PCR (qPCR) or digital PCR (dPCR). Gel electrophoresis separates the amplified DNA fragments by size, allowing visualization of the PCR products. Real-time PCR and digital PCR provide quantitative data on the amount of viral nucleic acid present in the sample.

Confirmation: To confirm the specificity of the PCR amplification, it's recommended to sequence the PCR products and compare the sequences to known viral sequences in databases.

Data Analysis: Analyze the PCR results to determine the presence or absence of the target virus in the samples based on the amplification curves, gel electrophoresis band patterns, or sequencing results.

Validation: Validate the PCR assay by testing it on known virus-infected and uninfected plant samples to ensure its accuracy and reliability.



Overall, PCR-based methods provide a sensitive, specific, and rapid approach to detecting plant viruses and are widely used in plant pathology and virus diagnostics.

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