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Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Gladiolus cultivation

Gladiolus is herbaceous perennial bulbous flowering plant commonly known as Glade and botanically known as Gladiolus grandiflorus. Gladiolus is also known as Sward lily based on the Greek word Xiphos meaning sword and is usually called as queen of bulbous flowering plants), belong to the family irradiance.
Importance of Gladiolus
Gladiolus origin is South Africa and it is grown throughout the world.  The genus Gladiolus has 270 species having 10,000 cultivars. More than 120 cultivars of gladiolus are cultivated for cut flower purposes. Many others are also used as seasonal flowering plants in gardens and exhibition It is popular commercial bulbous flowering plant, that is widely cultivated in most countries of the world
Popularity of this plant as cut flowers is increasing day by day in developing countries including Pakistan, due to best quality and wide range of colors of its flowers. USA, Holland, Italy are the major countries producing Gladiolus as a cut flowers. During winter season gladiolus has a great potential as a cut flowers to be exported to different countries on demand.  It is a popular flower use in landscaping and religious ceremonies. For commercial production of cut flowers, aesthetic and decorative purposes mostly gladiolus is grown in pots .Mostly tall spikes of large blossom produced by gladiolus. In Mexico gladiolus flowers production contribute for more than 80% of total cut flowers. Gladiolus flowers taken a great position in the heart of flower loving people as well as in the cut flower industry The cut flower industry is a worldwide a fast growing industry, which is becoming popular day by day. It is an important cut-flower in both domestic and international market, Netherlands, Germany and France are presently focusing the cut flower production of gladiolus traditionaly to those countries where the climates are better and production costs are low Commercial cultivation of gladiolus is only possible through corms and cormels One mother corm generally produces two to three daughter corms of stander size with few cormels.  The cormels are auxiliary buds on the corm which is a compressed thickened stem and as resting perpuating organ
Gladioli are half-hardy in temperate climates. They grow from rounded, symmetrical corms, that are enveloped in several layers of brownish, fibrous tunics.Their stems are generally unbranched, producing 1 to 9 narrow, sword-shaped, longitudinal grooved leaves, enclosed in a sheath. The lowest leaf is shortened to a cataphyll. The leaf blades can be plane or cruciform in cross section.
The flower spikes are large and one-sided, with secund, bisexual flowers
Cultivation and management
Soil Gladiolus requires well drained soil of pH between 6.0-7.0 for its better growth and development. They also need open position for getting more sunlight, ample water with heavy soaking weekly. Gladiolus corms are harvested six to eight weeks after flowering
corm of glad flower
When corms harvested after six to eight weeks of flowering then it is dried under shade treated with fungicides and kept in ventilated area Corms of gladiolus are mostly planted on ridges or beds, it is recommended to plant the corms on ridges incase of clay soil while planting on beds is recommended for sandy soil
 Suitable plant spacing is the key factor to provide less competition among plants for moisture, light and nutrients to ensure maximum crop production. Commercial quality of gladiolus can be obtained at a planting density of 25 plants.  stated that wide spacing produces higher number of corms and cormels. Plant spacing affects yield and high quality spikes and corms
Spike removal  The maim  purposes of spike removal of gladiolus is to conserve store food of corm and to utilized that food for the production of quality flowers spike in coming season to catch cut flowers market. observed that removal of spike had an effect on the production of corms and cormels by diverting more energy for their development. observed that removal of spike produced maximum numbers of.
Fertilzer application at appropriate time, in appropriate amount and at proper method is the prerequisite for its cultivation (Islam, 2003). Abalance fertilizer (NPK) and irrigation is necessary for best growth and biological function (Woltz and Boodley, 1981). Gladiolus responds greatly to major elements like N, P and K in respect to its growth and yield.
Nitrogen (N) Nitrogen is an important plant nutrient influence vegetative growth and flowers yield of gladiolus. It was concluded from the analysis of leaf that a single leaf must contain dry weight about 2.5-3.0 % nitrogen for optimum yield Nitrogen is an important nutrient, play a vital role in synthesis of proteins and amino acids, which helps in cell division and boost up merestematic activities when applied in optimum quantity Nitrogen application in optimum quantity enhances the yield and quality of cut flowers and corm Application of nitrogen with phosphorus can also enhance florets, corms, corm lets and spike length however higher doses may delay maturity and increase lodging
Phosphorus (P) influences many plant functions like flowering, root development, disease resistance and maturation. Phosphorus is flower and roots stimulator for newly transplanted plants (seedling) stated that phosphorus application enhances number of corms, cormels, number of spikes and spikelet’s of Gladiolus. Phosphorus is one of the most important essential macro elements for the normal growth and development of the plant. Phosphorus application at proper time and proper amount enhances number of corms and cormels, maximum height of plant, number of leaves, corms and cormels weight (gm) and diameter (cm) of Gladiolus.    
Potassium (K) Potassium is very important element for plant growth. It is responsible for many biochemical processes. Potassium plays important role in regulation of stomata during transpiration and photosynthesis, enzymes activation and maintenance of turger pressure The plant cell swells when potassium ions move toward the guard cell, as a result the stomata opens and exchange of gases takes place. The potassium ion is pushed out of the guard cell when there is water stress situation to avoid loss of water. This mechanism prevents the loss of water by closing the stomata pores  Potassium plays very important role in transpiration. In the process of photosynthesis Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is formed, this ATP is high energy product. At the site of ATP synthesis potassium ions control the electrical charge balance. Photosynthesis is reduced when potassium level in the plant is lower than the required, as a result less ATP is synthesized which ultimately decrease the speed of all other reactions of plant which is dependent on ATP formation.
Potassium deficiency Potassium deficiency leads to delay flowering, less number of buds, short stem of flowers, weakening of stalks, susceptibility of roots to rotting organisms, the yellowing of older leaves and lodging of plants due to wind and rain
Planting of corms
The field will be tilled thoroughly and well decomposed farm yard manure (FYM) at the rate of 4 loaded trolleys was incorporated during plot preparation in order to enhance germination of seedling. Corms of glad were purchased and were planted on 18th February 2013 at the plant spacing of 30 cm and with row to row spacing of 60 cm.. All corms will be planted at a depth of 6 cm.

                                                Cultural Practices
Weeds were removed from the field whenever needed. Weekly irrigation will be done in the field during the cropping period from March-September. Staking of bamboos stick will be provided when required for the taller plants that cannot withstand. From each sub plot three plants were randomly selected and were tagged.

 Harvest and Storage
packed cormels
If you're growing gladiolus so you can cut blooms for bouquets, flower spikes should be cut on a slant when the lowest flowers on the stalk begin to show color. When cutting the flower stalk, leave at least four leaves on the plant to feed the corm for next year's blooms. Immerse the cut end of the flower spike in water immediately after cutting.except for the hardy gladiolus varieties, dig up the corms for winter storage before the first frost. Clean off corms, cut the stalk within half an inch of the corm, and let them cure for one to two weeks in a warm, airy location. Once dried, remove and discard the old corm as well as any small cormels. Store the large, new corms in plastic mesh bags in a well-ventilated room where temperatures remain from 35 to 50 degrees F. Plant gladiolus corms again in spring for another year of beautiful blooms.
seeds of gladiolus flower

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for giving a this flower pictures and information if you more information click here


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