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Sunday 6 November 2016

strawberry crop diseases and pests and their effective control

strawberry crop diseases and pests and their effective control

Crown Rot (Cylindrocladium Floridanum)
o  It can effects the roots which may turn black and rot.
o  Fungi are spread by infected runners, water or farm machinery.
o  Crown rot development is favored by warm, wet, conditions and waterlogged soil.
o  Improve soil drainage.
o  Avoid planting in known infected areas.
o  Apply soil fumigants before planting.
o  Avoid over watering.
o  Soil fumigation with ethelene bromide @ 1.05 tones per hectares.
for more Click
Leaf Scorch (Diplocarpon earliana)
o  It is the most common leaf disease in leaves of strawberry appearing as small dark-purple spots up to one-fourth of an inch in diameter on upper leaf surfaces.
o   If the spots become numerous, the entire leaf dries up and dies.
o   Similar spots may appear on leaf petioles and runners.
o  Avoid overhead irrigation.
o  Remove and burn older infected leaves.
o  Practice crop rotation.
o  Use protective sprays.
o  3-4 treatments with Bordeaux mixture (1: 1.5: 100).
o  Anilazine 50w at 1.5 kg/acre in 100 gallons of water, sprayed 5 times between mid November to mid January gives good control. Click
strawberry crop diseases and pests and their effective controlPowdery Mildew (Podosphaera macularis)
o  Powdery mildew is considered a moderate disease that can affect fruit, leaves and flowers.
o  This disease produces white patches of web-like growth.
o  Immature fruit may fall to ripen, become hard, crack and turn a reddish color with  raised seeds.
o  Remove and destroy trash at the end of the season
o  Plant runner from accredated runner nurseries.
o  Apply protective sprays.
o  Application of  Revous @ 240ml/acre is applied.for more
Leaf Blight (Xanthomonas arboricola)
o  Leaf Blight effects the mature leaves.
o  Also cause soft rot on ripe fruit.
o  Large round spots develop on leaves with three distinct color zones.
o  Spots form a V shaped area that extends to the edges.
o  Avoid overhead irrigation.
o  Remove and burn older infected leaves.
o  Practice crop rotation.
o  Use protective sprays.
o  Application of with Copper oxychloride 0.25% is effective for the control.
Black spot
o  This disease mostly effect fruit, but also affect runners, stalks and crown
o  This disease produce a sunken dark spot on fruit.
o  This disease spread from infected plants.
o  Plant runners from accredated runner nurseries.
o  Apply protective fungicides.
o  Cool fruit after harvest.
o  Antracol @ 500gm/acre.
for more Click here

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