General Agriculture

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Thursday 11 December 2014

Insect Pests of Melons

All in the family
            }  Cucumber
}  Squashes
}  Pumpkin
}  Muskmelon and cantaloupe
}  Watermelon
}  Gourds
These are all members of the plant family Cucurbitaceae and are referred to as “cucurbits

Melon Insect Pests
ü  Pumpkin beetle
ü  Leaf minor
ü  Fruit fly
ü  Whitefly
ü  Aphid
ü  Mite
Pumpkin beetles - Aulacophora foveicollis
Identification of pest
}  Freshly hatched dirty white.
}  Full grown grub creamy yellow in colour.
}  Adult
}  Dorsal side orange in colour whereas ventral side is black.
Symptoms of damage
}  Grubs feeds on the roots, stem and fruits touching the soil.
}  Adult feeds on leaf and flowers.
}  Plough the fields just after harvesting destroy the hibernating adults.
}  Collect and destroy adult beetles.
}  Dusting with carbaryl, malathion and permethrin.
}  Spraying with cypermethrin, deltamethrin and cyhalothrin.

Fruit flies - Bactrocera cucurbitae
Identification of pest
       Eggs laid singly in clusters under the fruit pericarp.
       Larva- Dirty white apodous maggot.
       Pupa – pupate in soil
       Adult- hyaline wings with brown and grey spots at the apex.-Reddish brown with lemon yellow markings on the thorax.
Symptoms of damage
}  Maggots feed on the pulp of the fruits.
}  Oozing of resinous fluid from fruits.
}  Distorted and malformed fruits.
Premature dropping of fruits and also unfit for consumption
}  Collect destroy infested fruits.
}  Expose the pupae by ploughing and turning over soil after harvest.
}  Use attractants like citronella oil, eucalyptus oil, vinegar (acetic acid), and lactic acid to trap flies.
}  Mix methyl eugenol + Trichlorifon 50 EC at 1:1 ratio and keep 10 ml of the bait in polythene bags @ 25/ha.
Leaf miner- Liriomyza trifolii
Identification of pest
}  Larva: Minute orange yellowish apodous maggots.
}  Pupa: Pupates within mines.
}  Adult: Pale yellow in colour.
Symptoms of damage
}  Leaves with serpentine mines.
Drying and dropping of leaves due to severe infestation
}  Collect and destroy mined leaves.
}  Avoid planting adjacent to cotton and alfalfa if possible.
}  Deep plowing after harvesting crops aids in reducing leafminer numbers.
}  Use of Parasites and parasitoids wasps. 
}  Spray NSKE 3%
Two-spotted Spider Mite - Tetranychus spp
Identification and description
}  Spider mites are very small and are difficult to see with the naked eye.
}  Numerous generations per year.
High temperature and low humidity are the optimum conditions for growth and development
Symptoms of damage
}  Damage the leaves by sucking cell sap.
}  Destroy chlorophyl and ultimately reduce photosynthetic activity.
}  Damaged leaves become pale, stippled and can dry up and die under heavy infestations.
}  Use natural enemies like predatory mites and thrips, minute pirate bugs and lacewings.
}  Good irrigation and fertilization management increases plant tolerance to mites.
}  Spray acaricides e.g. Docofol, Fenpyroximate
Whitefly - Bemisia tabaci
Identification and Description
}  The adult is a small insect, the body and wings covered with a whitish powdery wax.
}  Adults and eggs are most prevalent on the lower surface of younger leaves and the scalelike nymphs on older leaves.
}  It complete 2-3 generations in melon growing season
Symptoms of damage
}  Suck the cell sap.
}  Secrete sugary material on which sooty mold grow.
}  Reduction in photosynthesis activity.
}  Heavy populations on young plants can cause desiccation of leaves and plant death.
Fruit quality and quantity both are effected
}  Use natural enemies i.e., Encarsia and Eretmocerus spp, etc.
}  Destruction of alternate host plants.
}  Spray acetamaprid, imidacloprid, buprofezin, pyriproxifen
}  The winged adult stage is of primary concern because of their ability vector viral diseases.
}  Nymphs appear as smaller versions of the wingless adults.
Symptoms of damage
}  Use of natural enemies.
}  Apply insecticides with systemic mode of action
Elements of vegetable pest control practices
}  Proper identification of problem early enough to control.
}  Timing of control measures at critical time.
}  Thorough complete application- repeated if necessary.

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