General Agriculture

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Thursday 11 December 2014

packing and storage of seeds

Grading packing and storage of Melon seed
History of seed grading
Large-scale seed grading was first used in the USSR in 1956– of grading plants, which supply seeds (packed according to grade in sacks)
Seed grading
  The general rule is the larger the seed for any particular variety, the stronger and more vigorous the seedlings are likely to be.
Seed is the bridge between one generation of plants and the next
Why to grade
The aim of seed grading is to maintain quality from one season to the next by removing all destructive elements:
Seed Grader
  Other crop seeds
  Weed seeds (especially herbicide resistant weeds)
  Straw, soil dust and other inert material
Immature, shriveled, damaged, cracked, undersized or oversized seed
  When efficient grading methods are used, the small seed which is unsuitable for use as seed is taken out and can be sold at market rates.
  Seed grading has the smallest cost input in crop management but the highest return.
  Results have proved that proper seed grading gives a dramatic increase in yield (up to 45% better from large seeds compared to small seeds).
Quality grading
Seed Grading Machine
  Seeds are living organisms and unless looked after will rapidly deteriorate. The value of high seed germination is obvious.
  The vigour of seedlings is very important.
Seed vigour
  Vigour is a seed's ability to germinate, emerge and produce healthy, rapidly growing seedlings even when planted in poor field conditions such as heavy crusting soils or when planted too deep.
  Vigour is one of the most important characteristics of seed quality because of its vital effect on seedling establishment
Seed quality improves emergence
  Seed with less than 80% emergence is not considered satisfactory and will require higher sowing rates to obtain optimum plant density.
  Grading your seed maximises germination and emergence. In other words, grading produces high seed vigour.
Seed grading improves the competitive nature of seed
  Larger seed not only has greater vigour but emerges faster.
  The speed of germination and emergence is a powerful factor because it occurs early in the growth of the crop.
  Seed grading will actively encourage consistency and competitiveness of seed
Advantages of seed grading
Seed grading has many advantages:
  Saves time and money
  Maintains profitable control of weeds
  Delays herbicide resistance
  Packaging is very important as good packaging protect the produce from any damage during storage, transportation and other marketing operations.
  It provides convenience in handling during transportation and storage.
  In recent years, packaging plays an important role in marketing of produce.
Criteria for selection of packaging material
Packaging material should;
  Protect the quality and quantity of the produce.
  Prevent spoilage during transportation and storage.
  Suitable according to climatic and environmental conditions.
  Attractive for display
  Tell information about quality, variety, date of packing, weight and price etc.
  Be convenient to stack.
  Be cheap, clean and readily available.
  Be environment friendly.
  Be free from adverse chemicals.
  The storage is an important aspect of post harvest operations.
  Storage provides protection to produce against moisture, weather, insects, micro-organisms, rodents, birds and any other type of infestation and contamination.
  Storage losses are high when seeds have high moisture content. Moisture content is the key factor that determines the storage life of melon seeds.
  Moisture content ranging from 6 to 7 percent is the most suitable for storage of melon seeds.
  It is essential that during storage, melon seeds should remain in good condition and not undergo any deterioration in quality.
Basic requirements for safe and scientific storage
The following requirements should be fulfilled for safe storage of melon seed.
1.Selection of site:
v The storage structure should be located on a raised well-drained place.
v It should be easily accessible.
v The land of the site should be protected from humidity, excessive heat, direct sun rays, insects and rodents.
v Storage godown should be constructed on a well-built pucca platform at a height of not less than 1 foot above ground level to prevent dampness.
2. Selection of storage structure
v The storage structure should be selected according to the quantity of melon seed to be stored.
v In godowns, sufficient space should be provided between two stacks for proper aeration and movement of person for inspection.
3. Cleaning of storage structures:
v The storage structures should be      properly cleaned before storing melon seed
v There should be no cracks, holes and crevices in the structure.The structure should be fumigated before storage
4. Cleaning and drying of seed
v Before storage, the melon seed  should be properly cleaned and dried up to 6-7 % moisture level.
v Seeds should be free from foreign matter, infested seeds to avoid quality deterioration and pest attack
5. Regular inspection:
v  Regular inspection of stored melon seed should be carried out to check infestation.
v It is necessary to maintain proper health and hygiene of the stock.

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