General Agriculture

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Friday, 17 November 2017

Vine trellis systems

Grape is a fruit of the deciduous woody vines .Grapes can be eaten fresh as table grapes or they can be used for making wine, jam, juice, jelly, grape seed extract, raisins, vinegar, and grape seed oil.
Pruning and Training of Grapevines:
¢Controlling the size & form of the grapevine.
¢- Optimize the production potential of the grapevine.
¢- Maintain a balance between vegetative growth and fruiting.
 Training can be defined as “the arrangement of plant
parts spatially”. This is done to develop a structure that:
¢Optimizes the utilization of sunlight and promotes productivity.
¢Promotes efficient & sustainable vineyard management practices.
                          ¢Is economical to establish and maintain.

Pruning and training young grapevines

¢grapevines can be trained with a single or double trunk.
¢training vines to a single trunk is the most common and simplest method.

¢ in cold climates double trunk is often preferred. if one trunk is killed, the other trunk will provide some production
  Single Curtain   (High Cordon) vine trellis systems

Adaptable to mechanical pruning, Fruit are high for 
good sun exposure.
Requires little annual tying.
Difficult to establish cordons where 
there is frequent winter injury.
Old cordons hard to remove from 
Old cordons may become a reservoir
 for diseases.
Single Curtain  (Low Cordon ) vine trellis systems
Fruiting close to ground.
Can easily avoid winter injury.
Difficult on labor - low to ground.
Requires excellent weed management.
Soil residues on fruit

Umbrella Kniffen vine trellis systems

       Advantages:   Easily to learn system.

                Fruit high, distributed and 
                   well exposed.
        Requires of annual tying of canes.
        Less adaptable to shoot positioning

Keuka High Renewal vine trellis systems
Very compatible with frequent replacement of vine parts
in response to frequent winter injury.
Requires annual tying of canes.
Difficult for inexperienced pruners
Geneva Double Curtain vine trellis systems
Method to handle high vigor vines.
Requires additional labor to shoot

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