General Agriculture

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Saturday 31 October 2015

Media preparation,Characteristics of a good media

Media preparation
Characteristics of a good media
*      Should allow free air exchange.
*      With more water holding capacity
*      Should allow for free and rapid water drainage.
*      Should be firm enough to hold the plant in position.
*      Should be free of nematodes, insects, disease organisms and weeds.
*      Low in cost and light in weight .
Some common of Medium
n  Peat: plant material partly decomposed by the action of water, used in horticulture and as a fuel.
n  Perlite: it’s heat-expanded volcanic rock
n  Sawdust: tiny bits of wood.
n  Coir: fibre from cocoa-nut shells.

n  Sand: Soil: well rotten FYM (1:1:1)
n  It’s chemically inert
n  It has no water-holding capacity.
n  It has an alkaline pH (7.0-7.5).
n  It has some internal pore space for aeration.
n  When added to mix, its particle size and composition add to medium aeration or pore space.
         Compost is organic matter (Leaves, grass clippings, weeds pulled out from the garden, succulent hedge clippings, fireplace ashes, birdcage cleanings, fish scraps, sawdust, wood shavings, hay etc) that has been decomposed and recycled as a fertilizer and soil amendment.
Characteristics of compost
         Provision of NPK
         Provision of Trace elements
         Increased water & air holding capacity.
         The cheapest source of soil-enriching matter (nutrients).
         Improve organic matter by providing humus.
         Provision of NPK
         Provision of Trace elements
         Increased water & air holding capacity.
         The cheapest source of soil-enriching matter (nutrients).
         Improve organic matter by providing humus.

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