General Agriculture

"Empowering farmers with knowledge and utilizing available resources can revolutionize agricultural productivity. From leveraging modern technology to optimizing traditional methods, there's a wealth of strategies at our fingertips. Let's cultivate awareness among farmers, ensuring they harness every tool and technique for a bountiful harvest

Friday 11 September 2015

Fruit and Vegetable Value Addition in Agriculture

Significance Of processing
       Promotes vital linkages and synergies between the two pillars of the economy, Industry and Agriculture
       Benefits to the economy:
       Raising agricultural yields
       Creating employment
       Raising the standard of people
       Manufacturing and processing of primary products of agriculture
       brings additional revenues
       also helps the poor farming community to gain maximum benefit from their produce
Approaches to fruit and vegetable processing in Pakistan
       Very basic and sometimes crude approaches
       largest industry
       27% of its value-added production, and 16% of the total employment by the manufacturing sector
       About 75% of the rural-based informal sector unregulated
       Finds difficulty in accessing essential raw materials and other resources
       Finance skills, knowledge and management
       lacking marketing and quality (especially hygiene) standards, low wages, ill-educated workers
The food processing sector and agriculture raw material
       Value addition to the agricultural produce starting at the post harvest level
       Primary processing like grading, sorting, cutting, seeding, shelling, packaging etc.
       This sector involves the processing of following heads:
Fruits and Vegetables
       Suitable climate
       Punjab dominates the production of both fruits(63%) mostly Citrus and Mango and vegetables (60%) specially potato
       Balochistan: the second largest producer mainly apple and dates.
       In horticulture industry, little changes in production technology, harvesting practices, packaging and post harvest care
       Unable to establish itself in export markets
       Small fruit and vegetable processing industry based around the major cities
       Enormous potential for the date processing plants in Sind
       only two in Khairpur city
       25 small and medium industrial production units of squashes, jams and jellies, pickles
       Estimated capacity of 45,000 mt
       Meager quantity of canned fruits and vegetables
       Post harvest losses due to lack of storage and transport infrastructure Integrating the individual food factories with backward and forward linkages
       Ignorance from quality management systems
       Lack of coordination links with academia, industry and research organizations
       Weak regulatory system
       Lack of investment in the supply chain
       Unequipped food analysis laboratories
       Inefficient market structure
       Lack of adequate trained manpower
       Rural poverty and malnutrition
Rules for maximizing value addition in food chain in Pakistan
Agriculture :
       High productivity of the desired raw material must be determined
       A demand driven approach must be followed.
Intermediate processing:  
       Critical post harvest handling and storage facilities
       Close understanding and relationship between intermediate processors & the final manufacturers
       Processing facilities should be installed near the source of the raw material.
       Consistent availability of good quality raw material
       reduce the cost
       Food Manufacturing :
       Food manufacturers have some issues as follows :
       Inability to manage raw material supply
       Higher inputs cost and poor labor skills
       Poor financial support for R&D
       Poor technical choices and a lack of innovation
       Poor safety standards
                                                                                   The policy and strategy
       The Policy will seek to create an appropriate environment for entrepreneurs to set up Food Processing Industries
        The government's Agricultural Policy focuses on :
       Increasing productivity
       Sustainable food security
       Commercial agriculture
Agricultural Policy
       Income diversification
       Export orientation
       Simplification of food laws
       The key policies and strategies of the Government of Pakistan related to food processing technologies are as follows :
       Agriculture will be diversified into high-value crops.
       Special emphasis will be laid on growing fruits and vegetables for the export market.
The private sector will be encouraged to establish processing, grading, packaging, refrigeration and storage, etc., through provision of liberal credit
       Strengthening the process of agricultural modernization by increasing productivity through
       diversifying agriculture into high- value crops,
       improving the pricing, marketing, grading and distribution systems to improve farmers' income.
       Fruits and vegetables processing and preservation plants and export companies will be established in growing areas of these commodities.
       Post-harvest handling and preservation of fish catch will be improved by providing chilling/refrigeration system in the traditional boats through the financial assistance of (SMEDA)
Future prospects
       Tremendous potential exists in primary processing of agriculture
       The key low-cost technologies needed are as follows :
       Seed / grain drying, aeration and storage technology
       Application of extrusion technology in cereals
       Rice drying technology for obtaining higher head rice yield
       Efficient dal (pulses) processing technology
       Rice par-boiling technology
       Apricot and dates drying and processing technology
       Modified atmosphere technology for fruits and vegetables
       Pre-cooling technology for fruits and vegetables
       Cool stores for potatoes, citrus, and apples
       Fruits and vegetables cleaning, grading, and packing technology
       Small-scale fruit juice technology for the remote fruit growing areas
       Rice par-boiling technology
       Apricot and dates drying and processing technology
       Focus on agro- based processed products rather than fresh crops
       Development of linkages between industry and research organizations
       Development of specific agro-processing zones
       Focus on brand building
       Awareness among consumers
       Improving process efficiency and decreasing losses
       Need a stronger information base for farmers EFER

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