General Agriculture

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Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Agriculture MCQS

Part 5

203.        Tumerous tissue cells are promising source of:
a.       Abscibic acid
b.       Kinin
c.        Alar
d.       Jasminoides

204.        Auxins have effective role in :
a.       Delay in flower opening
b.       Cell division
c.        Reduction of pre harvest fruit drop
d.       All of the above

205.        ________ have ability to alter the sex of the flowers:
a.       Auxins
b.       Gibberellins
c.        Kinins
d.       None of above

206.        _________ can release lateral buds from         apical dominance :
a.       Auxins
b.       Gibberellins
c.        Kinins
d.       None of above

207.        Leaf senescence can be retarded by the application of :
a.       Auxins
b.       Gibberellins
c.        Kinins
d.       Abscicic acid

208.        Growth retardants are the substances which slow down:
a.       Cell division
b.       Cell elongation
c.        both a & b
d.       None of the above

209.        Auxin destruction activity is inhibited by:
a.       Blue light
b.       Red light
c.        Green light
d.       None of the above

210.        First and the heaviest flower drop in fruit plants occurs due to :
a.       Structural defects in the flowers
b.       Lack of pollination
c.        Non fertilization
d.       All of the above

211.        Salient factors which contribute to the fruit drop are:
a.       Embryo abortion
b.       Seed number of fruit
c.        Moisture supply
d.       All of the above

212.        Dormancy can be broken by the use of:              
a.       Thiourea
b.       Ethlene chlorohydrin
c.        Ethylene acetylene
d.       All of the above

213.        Auxins as herbicides are supposed to be:            
a.       Non toxic to animals and human beings
b.       Highly selective
c.        Exert their action at extremely low concentration
d.       All of the above

214.        Solanum melogena is locally known as:          
a.       Tomato
b.       Potato
c.        Egg plant
d.       Chillies
215.        Why hardening is practiced in vegetables:      
a.       To increase the yield
b.       To increase fruit colour
c.        To increase the resistance of the plant
d.       All of the above
216.        At fruit bud differentiation, nitrogen contents are _____________:
a.       Low
b.       Medium`
c.        High
d.       Very high

217.        Word pomum means:
a.       Fruit
b.       Vegetable
c.        Flower
d.       None of these
218.        Chromose number of citrus is:
a.       8
b.       9
c.        10
d.       11
219.        Parthenocarpy refers to :
a.       Seedless fruits
b.       Fruit without pollination
c.        Seeds without pollination
d.       None of above

220.        Flower of grapes is technically called as:
a.       Umbel
b.       Recemose
c.        Clyptra
d.       None
221.        Anthesis of grapes complete at:
a.       Pedicel fall
b.       Calyx drop
c.        Cap fall
d.       None
222.        Date palm leaf is called:
a.       Simple leaf
b.       Long leaf
c.        Frond
d.       Pinna

223.        Dioecious, monocot fruit tree is:
a.       Banana
b.       Pomegranate
c.        Date palm
d.       Papaya

224.        Dicot, diecious fruit tree is:    
a.       Papaya
b.       Date palm
c.        Mango
d.       Banana

225.        Monocot and monoecious fruit plant is:
a.       Banana
b.       Papaya
c.        Date palm
d.       None

226.        Tree fruit can tolerate a soil pH in the range of:
a.       4.5-8.5
b.       5.5-8.0
c.        5.0-8.0
d.       5.5-8.5
227.        Water potential in rhizosphere is measured with:
a.       Tensiometer
b.       Hygrometer
c.        pH meter
d.       Thermometer

228.        Grape plant is technically called as:
a.       Liana
b.       Vine
c.        Creeper
d.       Bush
229.        Guava plant is technically categorized as:
a.       Bush
b.       Tree
c.        Herb
d.       None

230.        Citrus belongs to sub family: 
a.       Citrea
b.       Clausnea
c.        Aurantioideae
d.       Citrae
231.        Citrus fruitis botanically:
a.       Hesperidium berry
b.       Pome fruit
c.        Climacteric fruit
d.       None
232.        Apple fruit develops from:
a.       Thalamus
b.       Ovary
c.        Ovule
d.       Pedicel

233.        A complete flower has:
a.       5 whorls
b.       3 whorls
c.        2 whorls
d.       4 whorls

234.        Kinnow seed is:
a.       Polyembryonic
b.       Monoembryonic
c.        Multiembryonic
d.       None

235.        Apomictic seedlings are also called as:
a.       Nucellar seedlings
b.       Sexual seedlings
c.        Embryonic seedlings
d.       None

236.        Cherry is a:
a.       Berry fruit
b.       Stone fruit
c.        Pome fruit
d.       Drupe
237.        Seed of strawberry fruit is:
a.       Achene
b.       True seed
c.        Viable seed
d.       Aborted seed
238.        Mulberry is a fruit of type:
a.       Multiple
b.       Berry
c.        Aggregate
d.       Peppo

239. The biggest fruit plant containing family is:
a.       Rosaceae
b.       Citrea
c.        Leguminoseae
d.       Vitaceae

240.        Chilling injury in plants occurs at a temperature:
a.       <-4C
241.        Both Mango and Pistachio belongs to one family:
b.       Anacardiaceae
c.        Mangifera
d.       Gramineae
e.        None

242.        Date palm is also called as:
a.       Feather palm
b.       Wild palm
c.        Century palm
d.       Domestic palm
243.        Green hard stage of date fruit is:
a.       Kimri
b.       Rutab
c.        Doka
d.       Dung
244.        Date fruit for curring is harvested at:
a.       Rutab stage
b.       Tamar stage
c.        Dung stage
d.       None
245.        Banana fruit is called as         
a.       Finger
b.       Hand
c.        Heart
d.       None

246.        Peaches belongs to family
a.       Rosaceae
b.       Rutaceae
c.        Palmaceae
d.       None

247.        Kumquat fruit is edible             
a.       Whole fruit
b.       Without peel
c.        With seed
d.       None

248.        Guava is a rich source of
a.       Vitamin C
b.       Pectin
c.        a & b
d.       Sugar

249.        Common rootstock for citrus in Punjab
a.       Rough lemon
b.       Sour orange
c.        Sweet orange
d.       Sweet lime

250.        Pruning is a regular practice in date palm variety     
a.       Hillawi
b.       Khudrawi
c.        Deglet Noor
d.       Hillini
251.        Excess of N in citrus plant may cause
a.       Leaf drop
b.       Lodging
c.        Flower drop
d.       Fruit drop

252.        Alternate bearing is a problem of following fruit crops
a.       Mango
b.       Apple
c.        Citrus
d.       All of above

253.        Citrus can tolerate a salinity level
a.       pH 9.0
b.       pH 8.5
c.        pH 7.5
d.       pH 4.5

254.        Male inflorescence of Cashew nut and Walnut is called 
a.       Catkins
b.       Rachis
c.        Cyme
d.       None
255.        is a rootstock for
a.       Walnut
b.       Apricot
c.        Mulberry
d.       None
256.        Apple bears on
a.       Shoots
b.       Sprigs
c.        Spurs 
d.       Twigs

257.        Bearing habit of mango is         
a.       Terminal
b.       Lateral
c.        Axillary

d.       Basal

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