General Agriculture

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Friday 5 December 2014

Persimmon cultivation

Scientific classification
Kingdom:      Plantae
Class:            Angiosperms:
Order:           Ericales
Family:         Ebenaceae
Genus:          Diospyros
Species:        digyna ,  texana ,virginiana
A persimmon is the edible fruit . it is a perennial plant,Persimmons are generally light yellow-orange to dark red-orange in color, vary in size from 1.5 to 9 cm (0.5 to 4 in) in diameter, and may be spherical, acorn-, or pumpkin-shaped.A persimmon is the edible fruit . it is a perennial plant,Persimmons are generally light yellow-orange to dark red-orange in color,vary in size from 1.5 to 9 cm (0.5 to 4 in) in diameter, and may be spherical, acorn-, or pumpkin-shaped and native to China
grown worldwide, with 90 percent of production in China, Japan and Korea
 Cultivation of this species at first spread through East Asia. Since the 19th century

 Persimmons do best in areas that have moderate winters and relatively mild summers-
 It can tolerate temperatures of 0° F when fully dormant.
Trees do not produce well in the high summer heat of desert regions, which may also sunburn the bark.

Soil: Persimmons can withstand a wide rage of conditions as long as the soil is not overly salty, but does best in deep, well drained loam. A pH range of 6.5 to 7.5 is preferred. The tree has a strong tap root which may mean digging a deeper hole than usual when planting
Irrigation Persimmon trees will withstand short periods of drought Extreme drought will cause the leaves and fruit to drop prematurely
36 to 48 inches of water are needed annually

Fertilization: Most trees do well with a minimum of fertilizing. Excess nitrogen can cause fruit drop. If mature leaves are not deep green and shoot growth is less than a foot per year, apply a balanced fertilizer such as a 10-10-10 at a rate of l pound per inch of trunk diameter at ground level. Spread the fertilizer evenly under the canopy in late winter or early spring
Propagation: Stratification is recommended for all persimmon seeds. The common rootstock in California is D. lotus, although it is not compatible with some cultivars, including fuyu. Other rootstock such as D. kaki
Japanese Persimmon or kaki
"Sharon Fruit
American Persimmon
Black Persimmon or Black Sapote
The Mabolo or Velvet-apple
Fuyu Persimmons
Pests and Diseases:
Persimmons are relatively problem-free, although mealybug and scale in association with ants can sometimes cause problems. Ant control will usually take care of these pests. Other occasional pests include white flies, thrips which can cause skin blemishes and a mite that is blamed for the "brown lace collar" near the calyx. Waterlogging can also cause root rot.

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