General Agriculture

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Tuesday 23 December 2014

MB plow

Mould board plow
Parts of mould board plow
Ø  It is the first part of the plough to enter the soil and cut a furrow slice.
Mould board:
Ø  The cut soil is lifted upward to the mould board where it is inverted by the curvature of this component.
Land side:
Ø  Assist in making a neat furrow. It presses against furrow wall absorbing the side way thrust of the plough.
Ø  The component that joins the share, mould board and land side.
Beam :
Ø  Provides connection between the plough and source of power.
The shin:
This is the cutting edge of mould board just above the land side and behind the share

Disc plow:
Ø  It has same functions as those of M.B. plow but disc plow is preferred in stony, rocky and sticky soils (clay soil) because the disk rolls over the stones. Due to rolling action of disks, the soil that is stuck with disc is removed automatically.
Uses and advantages:
Ø  It is primary tillage implements
Ø  It is used in stony and rocky areas
Ø  In obstruction, this plow will ride over
Ø  In sticky soils (clay) the soil would be removed and cleaned by rolling action of disk.
Ø  It penetrate deeper than mould board plow
Ø  Its maintenance cost is less since there are no shares or shin
Ø  As it rolls over the stones, so it has longer life than mould board plow.
Ø  It does not turn soil so effectively as mould board plow
Ø  It does not incorporate vegetation and trash effectively
Ø  It is heavier
Ø  It is more costly
Ø  Since it goes to deeper depth, it requires more horsepower.
Ø   It does not pulverize the soil so effectively

Ø  It leaves the soil cloddy and rougher

Disc plow:
Ø  It has same functions as those of M.B. plow but disc plow is preferred in stony, rocky and sticky soils (clay soil) because the disk rolls over the stones. Due to rolling action of disks, the soil that is stuck with disc is removed automatically.
Uses and advantages:
Ø  It is primary tillage implements
Ø  It is used in stony and rocky areas
Ø  In obstruction, this plow will ride over
Ø  In sticky soils (clay) the soil would be removed and cleaned by rolling action of disk.
Ø  It penetrate deeper than mould board plow
Ø  Its maintenance cost is less since there are no shares or shin
Ø  As it rolls over the stones, so it has longer life than mould board plow.
Ø  It does not turn soil so effectively as mould board plow
Ø  It does not incorporate vegetation and trash effectively
Ø  It is heavier
Ø  It is more costly
Ø  Since it goes to deeper depth, it requires more horsepower.
Ø   It does not pulverize the soil so effectively
Ø  It leaves the soil cloddy and rougher

Design and construction
Ø  It consist of round, concave, heat treated disks with sharp edges in order to cut the soil.
Ø  Diameter of disks varies from 20-40 inches (50-100 cm).
Ø  Size of plow is specified by diameter of disk.
Ø  Thickness of disk varies from 0.5 cm to 1.0 cm.
Ø  The disk are placed 22.5- 30 cm a part
Disk angle:
Ø  The disk blades are set at an angle from the forward line of travel called the disk angle it varies from 42 to 45 degree. It controls the width of the furrow as well as degree of pulverization.
Tilt angle:
Ø  The angle of disk from the vertical line is called the tilt angle. It varies from 15 to 25 degree. It controls the depth of penetration.

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