General Agriculture

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Monday, 29 September 2014

weed control

C.N: Barwaq
B.N: Asphodelus tenuifolius Cav.
F: Xanthorrhoeaceae
It is the blessing of Allah almighty that he gave Pakistan a variety of climatic conditions ,worlds best artificial irrigation system which makes us capable of producing a huge amount of all crops but still we are not self sufficient  and importing different agriculture commodities from neighboring countries .what are the main reasons of this low production.
The main reason is miss management and less efficient use of land ,water ,rains etc second reason is using of low standard crop protection measures which also damage a huge amount of produce .in our country 36 percent crop losses are due to insects pests and diseases.
I want to discuss the losses of weed, the present status of found weeds, their identification and their control.
Cn: Curly dock, Botanical name: Rumex crispus L.
Life cycle: Perenniel, Family: Chinopodiaceae, 
Weeds are the plants which are gown at wrong place capable of significant crop losses and grow under an broad variety of ecological and climatic conditions. And provide safe and favorable sites for insects, pests and diseases which then transfer to the crop and cause significant crop losses
 Cultural Practices to control weeds
C.N: Besnaga
B.N: Ammi visnaga L.
F: Umbeliferea
In rural areas mostly hand weeding is preferred but overall In our country we prefer mechanical weed control because it is easy and less time consuming , cultivators and weeders are mostly used to control weedsat green stage . usually 7.5-22 ploughings were carried out before wheat planting in Punjab. Khaber Pakhtunkhwa under maize-wheat trimming frameworks is less 3-6.. Desi furrow, meston furrow, sindhi furrow and sarhadi hal are some conventional implements still used in different parts of Pakistan. Mouldboard furrow is the most effective implement for cultivation and weed controlin Pakistan. Additionally, plate furrow, etch furrow, subsoiler and rotavator are also used for cultivation and weed control
C.N: common purslane
B.N: Portulaca oleracea L.
F: Portulacaceae
Preventive measures: preventive measures are very important but we cannot follow any preventive measure by using weed free seed through drills and cultivator. Cleaning, rouging and reviewing of seed are effective in control for weed seed infestation. Planting time modification, changed planting geometries, plant density, cultivar choice, mulching and mechanization are helpful methods which are effective measures to control weeds.

C.N: Round leaf mallow
B.N: Malva neglecta Wallr.
F: Malvaceae
C.N: Puncture vine
B.N: Tribulus terestris L.
F: Zygophyllaceae
Herbicides can be further divided into preemergence and postemergence categories. Preemergence herbicides are applied earlier to germination and emergence of weeds; Postemergence herbicides are used for controlling weeds that have already emerged from the soil. These are either contact or systemic in nature. Herbicides can be applied to foliage or soil. Broadleaf weeds are usually controlled with selective postemergence herbicides. The most common broadleaf herbicides used in turf include 2,4-D, 2,4-DP (dichlorprop), MCPP (mecoprop), dicamba, clopyralid, and triclopyr.  The most popular non-selective herbicide is probably Round-Up (ai-glyphosate). Its new formulation Quick Pro adds the active ingredient diquat dibromide for fast acting results within 24 hours

C.N: Shaphard’s purse
B.N: Capsella bursa-pastoris
F: Brassicaceae
  • Plan ahead and purchase only the required quantity of herbicide to avoid storage.
  • Read packing labels thoroughly & follow the instructions given.
  • Move herbicides safely & avoid strictly storage of herbicides with food materials.
  • Use protective clothing (disposable long slaves wearing, trousers, rubber gloves, long foot wears & respirators etc.).
  • Do not eat while spraying.
  • Wash your body thoroughly after spraying herbicides with soaps.
  • Check equipment thoroughly before spraying herbicides.
How to apply herbicides

Foliar spraying sprayed over the foliage to point of run off (until every leaf is wetted, but not dripping).

C.N: Wild Safflower
Carthamus oxyacanthus
Family: Asteraceae

Basal bark spraying This method is based on mixing an oil soluble herbicide with a diluent suggested by the herbicide manufacturer and spraying the full boundary of the trunk or stem of the plant. Basal bark spraying is fit for thin-barked woody weeds and undesirable trees.

Stem injection Stem injection involve drilling or cutting through the bark into the sapwood tissue in the trunks of woody weeds and trees. Herbicide is instantly placed into the hole or cut. The intent is to reach the sapwood layer just under the bark which will transport the chemical throughout the plant.

C.N: Parthenium weed
B.N: Parthenium hysterophorus L.
F: Astraceae

Cut stump application in this method the plant is cut off completely at its bottom (no higher than 15 cm from the ground) using a chainsaw, axe, brush cutter or A herbicide solution is then applied in foiler form or painted onto the uncovered surface of the cut stump emerging from the ground, with the objective of killing the stump and the root system.

parasite weed
B. N= Cuscuta Reflexa
E. N= Dodder
F. N= Cuscutaceae

Cut and swab This method is is best for suited to vines and multi-stemmed shrubs. Here, the plant stems are cut completely, near to the ground. Herbicide is then applied instantaneously to the cut surface rising from the ground, via spray or brush application.

C.N: Quack grass
S.N: Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.
F: Poaceae

Stem scrape Stem scraping is applied for plants and vines with aerial tubers. usually sharp knife is used to scrape a very thin layer of bark from a 10 cm section of stem. Herbicide is then instantaneously applied to the uncovered soft underlying green tissue.

Wick application in this method herbicide consists of a wick or rope soaked in herbicide from a reservoir attached to a handle or assisted with 12 volt pump equipment. The wetted wick is used to wipe or brush herbicide over the weed.

appropriate method of applying  spray

inappropriate method of applying spray

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